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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

sch was fun..ha3.. laugh alot..hmm its turn out good nt wat i was fear the most..haha..will updatye more abt sch wen i get well ok.. i got flu sia=( i really hate this ...And i and kate at fun in mrt and fb..kate ily.. u really make mi laugh untill i cry=) i still laughing abt wat happen in mrt..haha...shhh cannot tell out..haha
Saturday, October 10, 2009

hmm today sunday 11 oct 2009 8.05 am i found out one truth.. ans like i always say truth hurts man....ANd the truth is about someone..ya..hm the person is tying to be a diff person to mi as if i will never find out.. but too bad i found out la.. y must u do this is it cause u dont wan to hurt mi or urself??? or u tying to spy on mi.. and if u are trying to spy on mi y la its over what.. wat's the point of spying mi now...btw dont sarcastic can or not..a nd be ureself n also dont cheat mi and angain urself...ok enough of this.. hmm well rebone my hair again haha.. hmm today later will be going to my aunt's place of prayers of my grandmum n grandad.. wow will have super great foods haha=) so help mum cut al the thing yesterday cuz today morning she need to cook...hmm vijaya and jayati akka family will be coming.. aiya just hate vijaya akka sia.. dont knw hmm may be she just tok to much and stuff haha.. being bad hehe=) hmmm ok gtg now need to get ready to my aunty's place oh ya tomorrow sch open sia.. OMG can i like skip this part but i know i cannot well just go wit the flow hehe=)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We've joined together as classmatesas the new year begins...A year full of learningwhile we become friends.We'll share and be kindas we work and play.And our friendship will growwith each passing day.
I had a box of crayons,All shiny, straight and new.I lent a friend one crayon,And--oops--it broke in two!
My friend said she was sorry,But I said "I don't care,'cause now we both can colorwith one crayon--we can share!"

* this is for my gals kate,dee n joe.. thnsk u gals for being they wen i needed to u guys.. and we wil be always the onli 4 gals ok.. haha love u dee,kate and joe=)*
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

You are my best friend,My very best friend,You make me happy,Everyday,You share your great snacks,You share your best toys,So please don't takeMy best friend away.

My Best FriendToday I found a friend,Who knew everything I felt.She knew my every weakness,And the problems I've been dealt.
She understood my wonders,And listened to my dreams.She listened to how I felt about life and love,And knew what it all means.
Not once did she interrupt me,Or tell me I was wrong.She understood what I was going through,And promised she'd stay long
I reached out to this friendTo show her that i careTo pull her close and let her knowHow much I need her there
I went to hold her handTo pull her a bit nearerAnd realized that this perfect friend I foundWas nothing but my mirror.

* this is for u heart n soul=) thanks 4 everything.. even we dont hang out and tok to each other often i just wan to say we always think abt each otehr 24/7.. love u*
Monday, October 5, 2009

HEY M.UMA THEVI wake up la.. aiyo.. its is wat i am telling myself.. i am laughing outside but inside i m crying..Y??? i better dt say it here.. hmm i just dt get it.. y must the person do this to mi.. wen i am getting over it u are rubbing on it..i jsut dont get one thing r u doing this to help the another prson to hurt mi or u think u should tell mi everthing...pls i just got over it and i dont wan to think abt it anymore... it reali took aot to get over it and onli my HEAT AND SOUL knows how hard it was... I dont wan to look back or i dont wan to sit down n cry abt it as i use to.. i have a lovely mum who is trying her best to make mi feel better wen ever she can n my heart n soul is always thre 4 mi n nt forgetting my bro even though we dont get along everytime and he was there for mi one way or another.. this is wat i wan to tell him I LOVE U AS MUCH I HATE U BOR..this is wat i n heart n soul will say to each other but nw i think it suits my bro.. thansk guys for being there for mi and everyone who help mi to get out from the shit.. i mind i dont wan to call it a shit cuz i reali had good times vbut it all came to a end.. so ya.. i never cry abt it for a couple of days but cuz of something i cry and i swear it will be the last time i m going to cry over thsi.. yap wish mi luck ppl... hmm feel much more better nw=)
Friday, October 2, 2009

Wow spend more than 1hr to change my blog skin.. ha3.. veri board so anything to do then thought of changing my blog skin.. NIce rit??ha3=) hmm well today is another boaring day for mi.. killing time at home...was so called"busy" those few days. so ya.. hmm tomorrow going SHOPPING wit mum..wow fun..haha... got 2 new jeans and 3 new tops :) hmm weekends r coming happy.. i just end weekdays it reali suxs.. and another 10 more days to sch to reopen..AIYA reali hate goig sch sia!!!! cuz of e ppl there and need to see unwated face...AIYO=( hmm well i still have my friends by my side so i dont think it will be so bad.. hope for teh BEST.. and praly hard it all END FOR GOOD!!!!

Its Over n 100% Over!!!! Its late to say nw but i dont fucking care I AM OVER IT!!! I was over IT long2 ago but today is E day i feel like telling it out!!!! I M SO OVER IT...WOW BEST!!!