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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Holy shit its New year ppl pls be NICE to e ppl around u can ??? Wa its only Happy new year  wen u are happy and the ppl around u are also happy .. What happens wen u are feeling fucked up cuz of those ppl around u !!! DAME !!! just hate to stay on earth !!! pls god take my away whr i NO NEED TO SUFFER with those ppl =[ Its a SAD NEW YR for mi .. wish all the rest A HAPPY NEW YR ..  
Thursday, December 24, 2009

well Marry Xmax ppl =] yesterday saw dhaiva at lot 1 went to flower shop then went to lot 1 had a great time and really enjoy  the time wit her .. even though it was less then 1/2 an hr those time was still wonderful thanks gal u just make my day .. Laugh alot wit u today i knw even my jks were stupid and silly u still laugh .. thanks gal .. i lve u babe =] 
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Is this wat m i to get for falling deeply in LVE wit u !!! Soo all thsi while u just think i m a NONSENSE TO U AND ALSO U HAVE TO TOLERATE MY NONSENSE TILL 2013 !! well u knw wat u dont have to anymore ok !! i will just backoff ... To think this is wht i get 4 loving u too much its my bad than... hmm ya u knw what no point toking to u .. U guys just dont care abut gals feeling dont u !!! Wen u have no body u just need us but wen u have some one NWE u will justy push us to a side hmm lets say THROW us to a side it sounds better !!And ya Thanks alot for everything ah !!! just wanted to let it off tat's y i m blogging at this time .. No one to tok to cuz cannot call dhavia now cuz her mum wil be at home and ya ..  just feel so FUCKED up now .. y must it happen to mi over and over again !!@ do i need it ??? just so stress !!!! 

This is wat u get of falling in LVE wit u is it ?? so all this while u have think i m a nonsense is it !! THANKS AH !!  Ya nw u will think i nonsense what who knws u find someone NEW !!! who kns only GOD knws what u doing .. u may say no one but mi in ur heart but I DONT THINK SO IT IS TRUE !!!! and ya this is wat i get to fall in lve wit a person who thinks i m a nonsense to him !! No one never told mi tat but U i never though u will tell tat .. THANKS AGAIN AH !!! U KNW WHAT FORGET ALL ABT 2013 OK .. FRM ONW U GO ON UR OUM WAY I WILL GO ON MY OWN ... 
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bee and mi our last pic together =[

suffer now enjoy later 

Gd morning ... i reali going mad !!! i just cannot take it ... but thanks to dhaiva i still can make it la .. i reail dont think so i can do it .. its like i MUST hear his voice lky tat but i know a deal is a deal but ya .. i reail dont know waht is happening .. =[ all i can say for now is i REAIL GOING NUTS HERE !! OMG pls save mi .. Bloging and dhaiva is e only help i gto to keep my mind of him so ya ...


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gd morning =] hmmm yesterday didnt go swimming cuz its was raining so mum n ni went to BBP to eat and did some window shopping hehe .. had alot of fun wit mum laugh alot cuz of my stupid jk tat we make of dad haha .. poor dad we reli made so many studip jks of him haha.. but he dont know wat to ya .. haha .. i just had alot of fun wit mum .. since its holiday and i also nt going out so mum reli make it a point to bring mi out even though its not the plce i wan to go atleast i going out nt like staying at home .. i lve u mum =] Ok .. so yesterday nite tok to MR .HANDSOME for the last time =[ hmmm ya we wanted a hateing ending but turn out to be a swit n sad wan .. i sure missing him nw .. and ya atlest of the last time he sing to mi our fav song Vizhi Moodi .. hmm the song reali have a lot of wonderful meaning in it .. and ya i trying my best to keep my hands frm my hp cuz i dont wan to call him or text him =[ bee i m so missing u .. OMG i going to be mad soon .. but luckly i have dhaiva ( my heart n soul ) thanks babe !!! lve u and miss u too .. u have reali done so much of two of us and not fogetting help us wen ever we both fight ... thanks ... and cuz of u onli i and MR .HANDSOME stared to tok =] cheers to u babe .. take care .. see ya soon gal ...

Monday, December 14, 2009

hmmm today is a tiring day i must say cuz wake up clean e hus wen to mum wrk place to give food and also had mine there ( being a gd daughter hehe) then went shop get some thing and will be going swimming later wit mum .. haha.. it has been veri long since i and mum wen swimming alone haha. so happy la !!! And the sad thing 2day is tat i and bee will not be toking frm today until 27 aug 2013 =( so looking forward to tat day.. i know its a lng2 way to go but still i m also there for bee n bee is always thee 4 mi .. so today he just irritated mi cuz i tld him to do so cuz i dont wan to miss him .. and y i dont wan to miss him cuz if i miss him i will call him and say let's tok for another 2 or 3 days more and ya .. so frm 2morrow onwards i going to make myself busy !!! cuz if not i will 100% call him so ya .. BEE i reali going to miss u ... and dhaiva I miss u badly di .. just miss the time wen we will  be otp for hrs even in the hrs there will be almost 15-20 min of silent we still enjoy those times but now ?? hope n pray tat we can get back those times ok .. lve u =)  

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Alot of things happen in a day itself.. poor dhaiva she is the wan who suffer alot .. sorry gal .. and plane not to tok to sean but just cannot sia.. but starting 15 dec 2009 not gong to tok to him cuz we have a deal .. i onli came out wil it and he also agree wit it la.. bit the thing is tht i reli cannot  stp toking to him .. but as he say suffer now enjoy later .. so ya .. hmm so tomorrow will be e last day i will be toking to him ... and also tomorrow is our 8th mth of friendship =) so sad but stil b\he will be my friend wat .. so ya...